Today is the first day of my writing challenge. Of late, I’ve been awful at putting pen to paper so I’ve decided to set myself a challenge. It’s a daily writing challenge… sound easy? Let me tell you it’s not!
So, to get us started I’m going to introduce you France Pure and Simple, the guilty pleasure that allows me to write about the place I love. Those who know me will know that I prefer not to fly, and given that we live in the south west of the UK it’s easy for me to access the channel ports. Plymouth is our go to, not least because I love disembarking from the ferry in Roscoff with the car window open ready to take that first breath of fresh Brittany air. France isn’t home yet, although I would love it to be so and in fact, I can unashamedly admit that this website is here in part to enable me to explore France and record my adventures. My desire is to secure a home in France, and although I have plenty of ideas I’m not entirely sure of where that special place is.
Over the coming years and months I will share my research whether it be regional weather, local foods or quirky oddities that make France the place that it is. I’m also a car enthusiast so don’t be surprised to find a sprinkling of adventures or stories of old Peugeots.
Put simply, I have a passion for France and I intend to scratch my itch whilst bringing a little happiness to both those who love to visit and those who are armchair tourists. That’s the great thing about the internet, it allows even those who are unable to travel to experience the world. I think as a writer and artist, that probably puts me in the privileged position of being able to open peoples eyes.
That’s all for today, I will soon be writing a comprehensive posts about the regions of France so must head off to do a little more research.
Have a great day, wherever you are!